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Hello blogger my name is Fadzir, the owner of this wonderful site. It's just a dream want to be likes Superman. Hopefully, no copycats, anons or spammers allowed! be nice here *wink wink* ^_^ I'm currently on semi-HIATUS until the end of 2013. Do pray for my excellence in SPM peeps! Good result, InsyAllah.. amin ya rabbal' alamin.

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Happpppppyyy Birthdayyyyy TECIKKKK !
Sunday 5 August 2012 | 0 comments
Hai2 ! *Lambai tangan* Da lame aku tak update blog , rindu tak rindu tak ? Rindukan , kperasan -,-
Aku tak update blog sebab da takder idea . . . BTW , hari ni aku nk update sebab pasal birthday someone . Who ? Scroll bawah ! :3


tengok tu . Omeyyy kan ? K actually dia post photo tu khas tok aku kat wall fb , siap custom tok aku lagi tu . k terharu sangat :') Spec yg dia pakai tu , mak dia punye . dia rembat senyap2 . . jahat kan ? :D . Kiteorg kenal sebab dia tego aku dulu kat fb . so kite orang chat laa . kalau bole hari2 kite orang nk chat . hahaha ! ;D . . dok2 tengah chat ,timbul laa nickname tok kiteorang . dia panggil aku 'uncle' , aku pnggil dia 'tecik' . . entah mcm maner bole timbul name tu ;D
Actually , kiteorg kawan je kat fb . da mcm adik-beradik dah . lagi pon takder laa dia dok jauh sgt . Rengit jee kot . . And then da lame dia tak online , ade la dlm sebulan . ingtkan da lupe kat aku . . sedih aje ! ;'(
Dlm kol 12 lebih , aku wish kat dia . . Happppppppppppppppppyyyy Birthhhdayyyyyyy TECIKK     da tua da tecik kan ! ;D.   aku mesej dia ckp da sombong ea sekarang . pas bape minit , dia reply . rupenye dia bukan sombong , dia busy sebab nk study . Maklumlah , next year dia PMR . kena laa study hard lebih . tu pasai dia da lame tak online . BTW , uncle doakan tecik buad yg terbaek tahun depan k . insyAllah . u can do it tecik  . K da malam . smpai sini je . Byeee2 ! *lambai tangan*